Sunday, 24 March 2013


The Milk has a new website! Please head over to to check it out! 


Someone recently reported this breastfeeding picture I posted on Facebook (which was then removed) so I created a new word and new condition which I am sure will soon make its way into the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). A word which encompasses the ever growing and worrying phobia of our times in the Western  world...

LACTABOOBIEPHOBIA.  The people over at Facebook unfortunately suffer from this condition.  Here is a test I have created for you to take if you think you might suffer from this phobia.  Please answer "yes" or "no"...

Head over to to continue reading! 

Body After Baby...

Body image. I'm pretty bored of this annoying topic but at the same time I think about my jiggly thighs some times. At the bottom of this post I have included some pics of bellies after babies. I did not like my body when I was pregnant.  I have been pregnant a total of five time.  I have miscarried twice, between each of my three boys.  My second miscarriage was at nineteen weeks so I had many body changes during that pregnancy as well.  As a self described feminist, shouldn't I embrace my new post- three baby body? How do I do this? How can we as a society get over this whole perfect body obsession?

My breasts have gotten bigger and smaller.  By "bigger" I mean not my usual negative A cup. My legs have been skinny, jiggly, cellulity (my new word) and swollen with fluid during my pregnancy.  I have stretch marks on my hips and boobs. I have purple spider veins on my legs.  Shall I go on?!  It goes without saying that it is worth it but let's be's not always fun seeing these changes in our bodies.  Sometimes I miss my flat stomach and slender non-cellulity thighs.  Sometimes I miss my little tiny shorts I used to fit into.  I have grown to love my body even though I do think about those old tiny shorts of mine from time to time. I just can't bring myself to throw them out. Will I ever fit into them again?  What will my boobs look like when they have shrunken down to a negative A cup for the third time and have the added bonus of some extra stretch marks?!

The bottom line is we are supposed to have these changes. We are supposed to have some stretch marks here and there. We are supposed to fluctuate for our pregnancies and breastfeeding.  Did you know that we use more calories to breastfeed then what we use for growing our babies when we are pregnant?! Amazing! This is why I'm starving all the where did I just put that box of crackers?

I asked some other mummy friends of mine for pictures of what their stomachs look like now.  Putting your stomach out into the Internet is pretty brave, even though it's anonymous it is still a pretty scary thing to do.  The important thing to note is that they are all completely different! No matter the age or amount of children, there are variations amongst these women and we need to support each other and our differences. Especially post baby.  I am so sick of seeing pictures on the magazine covers of skinny women claiming, "I lost 20 kilos within three months after having my baby!" Well big deal! Who cares! I didn't! And that's OK...






We are all different...and we are all beautiful.


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

The Woman Who Could Really Use a Third Boob! Breastfeeding Triplets!

The Milk has a new website! Please head over to to check it out! 

Chenoa's gorgeous triplets.

How does this mum of triplets stay sane while exclusively breastfeeding AND keep up her milk supply?!

We know that it is very possible to breastfeed twins, yet breastfeeding triplets is a task that many of us just cannot comprehend.

How does she have enough milk? How does she actually have time to sleep? What does she do to keep up her energy? To say I am impressed by Chenoa is an understatement. I have had three children (but not all at once!) so I know sleep deprivation, I know the utter exhaustion after having fed AGAIN for the millionth time in one could one possibly do this with three all at once!?  Well, Chenoa has figured this out :) 

She is still currently breastfeeding her triplets and has been doing so for the past six months...and she has survived the very full-on early post-partum months. She is still alive to talk about it! Not only has she been breastfeeding her triplets but she has also managed to still mother her two older children as well...

I asked her a few questions to get an idea of how she does it...
 Head over to to continue reading!

Monday, 4 March 2013

The Breastfeeding Mum's Boobie Wisdom...and Why Actions Speak Louder Than Words!

Every mum across the world has at some point or another received advice, whether it was requested or not!  In many (if not most) parts of the world women are surrounded and taught by other women.  Women see each other and learn from each other when they first menstruate, go through pregnancy, give birth, breastfeed…all the way through to the end of life.  Women witness these important life events and learn from them. 

Many women in Western societies do not see these things anymore.  We are mostly at home or work when pregnant, we give birth with our husbands or partners and maybe one or two other people besides the midwife or doctor in the hospital. We then go home with our partners and if we have a visitor they are unlikely to do our laundry or cook for us (which is what we need the most)!  Many of us go on to breastfeed without any support (except google), having hardly seen any breastfeeding in our lives growing up. It is no wonder we feel so lost and alone at times after having our babies. 

While women who live in a more community driven environment do still get advice from other women, it is the actual SEEING of the labours, births, breastfeeding and parenting that leaves the biggest mark.  Seeing the woman who got through that long hard birth but managed to have a vaginal birth or seeing with our own eyes a woman breastfeed her newborn and get the latch just right…this is what’s missing. Words of advice are sometimes unwanted, yet we have lost a part of what it means to live together as a community and support each other. 

While we can always give advice and suggestions, the most powerful thing is to encourage other mums to follow their instinct, remind them that they know their baby best and to follow their baby's lead. I ask you to just breastfeed your baby, whenever and wherever you are and encourage women to do what feels right for them and their babies when mothering through breastfeeding.  There will be a little girl watching who remembers that or a little boy who will then go on to encourage his partner to do the same.  Our actions are much more powerful than any words of advice we can give.  We breastfeed to feed and comfort our babies, yet often times we are unaware of just how important it is for the community as well. 

Somtimes we are given a golden piece of advice that rings true for us and we remember forever...
I asked all of my, “likers” on The Milk's Facebook Page to tell me what the best piece of advice was that was given to them after they had a baby.  The following is what they said…please write a comment after the post if you have one to add to the list.


The Breastfeeding Mum’s Boobie Wisdom...
“It can be hard at first...but in the long run (maybe around 8 weeks or so) it becomes the ‘lazy Mom way.’”
“Take your baby to bed. You'll both get more sleep.”
“Watch the baby not the clock.”
“Don't be scared to ask for help - it doesn't come naturally to everyone. (Even 2nd time around). This was so true for me & I went to see an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant & now love feeding my 4 week old daughter.”
“It DOES get easier. It really, truly does!”
“Feed on demand... even if you think that they cannot possibly be hungry... even if they are so full they keep spitting up...even if they just ate 3 minutes ago and you haven't even gotten your shirt readjusted yet!!!!”
“It shouldn't hurt... and if it does, ask for help from an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant! “
”When you are tackling a challenging moment/day/week/phase, just remember 'This too shall pass.'“
“Don't wake your sleeping baby.”
“We live in a fast world and our babies grow up so fast, so slow down and take the time to breastfeed.”
“Try to enjoy those night feedings when you are so tired....because one day they will be grown up and you will miss those precious moments!”
“Trust you body. You'll produce enough milk to feed your baby (just keep feeding).”
“If in doubt, whip it out. Instead of wondering could s/he really be hungry again, just offer a feed.”
“Baby will feed for many different reasons and sometimes comfort booby is all that's needed!”
“Stop clock watching!!”
“Ensure you have massive amounts of skin to skin contact - especially in the first 6 weeks while breastfeeding is being established.”
“Trust your intuition. It is good.”
“Join the Australian Breastfeeding Association. Going while pregnant and seeing breastfeeding in such a normal way was a big part of successful breastfeeding for me. It also gave me a first port of call for breastfeeding issues in the early days.”
“Ask her if she wants boobie...subtle cues let me know the answer, varying from a specific noise, to eye movement and more. Trust your instincts and listen to your baby. Regardless of age, they make a specific noise for wanting the breast...the tricky part is figuring out what it is!”
“Join a support group. Makes so much difference to your confidence especially when feeding 'beyond a year' gasp or -choke slightly- tandem feeding. La Leche League have been great.”
“Stick it out it pays off in the long run .”
“True self weaning happens gradually over time.  Anything sudden is a nursing strike.”
...and finally from “The Milk Meg”...
“Trust your instincts. Trust your instincts. Trust your instincts!!!”
If you are interested in reading about why I feel as though no woman needs to defend herself when getting criticism about how/where/why she is breastfeeding-check out my post...Advocate for the breastfeeding boobs...and the babies attached to them!
*If you have any questions about breastfeeding please CONTACT ME. I am available for consultations in person if you live on the Sunshine Coast or Brisbane. I am also available for consultations via Skype if you live elsewhere around the world.