Monday, 25 February 2013

Various Breastfeeding Positions. Or As I Like to Call it...

Creative Breastfeeding! 

Here I am breastfeeding in the classic, "cradle hold".
I will never forget the pain and exhaustion I felt when I had mastitis. My middle boy was born one month early and although he latched on no problem, he would tire quickly and I would be left with an extremely engorged breast.  I had never had mastitis before but I knew what I needed to do along with encouraging him to breastfeed for longer. I breastfed him in different positions to try to drain my breast as well as I could in a short period of time.  By pointing his chin towards the blocked part of my breast, I was able to better drain the area.  The classic, “cradle-hold” (which many of us breastfeeding mums use most often) just did not work for me in this situation because I needed his chin pointing towards my armpit.  By breastfeeding in different positions I was able to heal very quickly and the infection was only there for about twenty four hours.  By knowing and trying some different breastfeeding positions mums may find that breastfeeding challenges can be fixed or prevented from happening at all!


I have made a poster which I included at the bottom of this post which shows some of the different positions available for breastfeeding.  Some mums and babies will love a position and others will hate it! It just depends.  For instance my first two boys LOVED breastfeeding lying down. My youngest refuses to do it!  Also, some mums might find breastfeeding in the football hold awkward while others will find it easier, especially in the early months or mothers of twins.

 It's important to note that regardless of the position, babies tend to breastfeed best when their chest is against your body (so their bodies and heads are not twisted) and you bring your baby to your breast, not you leaning towards them crouched over your baby...if you do this your back will give out after awhile!

Some examples of why a mum might want to try different breastfeeding positions:

The mum with mastitis or a blocked duct- As I mentioned earlier, being able to breastfeed with your baby’s mouth pointed in different directions on your breast will speed up the draining process.  Some mums will actually get on all fours with their babies under them and breastfeed like a cow! Crazy visual picture I know, but sometimes it really works well for getting their chin in the right direction.

The baby with a tongue tie- Sometimes the classic cradle hold just does not work with a baby who has a tongue tie or a variation in the shape of their palate.  Since babies with tongue tie often have a difficult time latching because they have a hard time getting their tongues out far enough, sometimes just changing where their mouth is placed and what position their heads are in will be enough to get a good enough latch for effective milk removal and leave the mother without pain.  The picture of me doing the, “laid-back breastfeeding” position can be a great one for this scenario as it encourages the babies natural abilities and instincts to breastfeed and latch on.

Too much milk!-  As a new mum I remember sitting in the salon getting my hair done talking about my baby and his gulping and sputtering at the breast.  The woman next to me mentioned I should try to breastfeed while lying down on my back.  She said my milk would go against gravity so would not come out as forcefully.  The next time I breastfed I got into this position (it is a bit like, “laid-back breastfeeding” but even more of a lying back position). I was amazed! It worked! I subsequently had to do this for my following kids as well because I am a milk making machine! This combined with, "block feeding" got my supply under control and my babies could breastfeed without a near drowning experience!  For more information on block feeding and over supply, head over to my post about babies who Spit-up frequently.

Inverted nipples- Sometimes a mum with inverted nipples will find that her baby can latch on easier just by getting into a different position. 

Mothers who have had cesarean births- With a new scar and sometimes in lots of pain, women who breastfeed after a cesarean might not want their baby right up against their stomachs.  This is where the side lying position or football hold can be great alternatives.

The mum on the go!  This is me! As a mum to three very active boys I am always on the go. Shopping, cleaning, cooking, school pick up, visiting a breastfeeding mum etc. etc. I have to breastfeed wherever I go and often on the move.  A baby carrier is great for this. I have included two pictures on this poster of my son breastfeeding on the go in my baby carrier. He loved it so much he fell asleep, and I got all of my shopping done at the same time!

Breastfeeding through the night- Nighttime breastfeeding can be very challenging! I have experienced sleep deprivation because of it so I feel your pain if you have a frequent night owl breastfeeder.  The side lying position SAVED me from insanity with my first two boys. I could roll over, latch my baby on while lying down and go back to sleep! The best! Of course my baby number three refuses to do this...I think he is teaching me a lesson in patience!!! I feed him during the night in the, "laid back breastfeeding" position (see poster below) with pillows behind my back and head.

The baby who does not want to breastfeed- There are various reasons a mum will need to help encourage her baby to breastfeed: a nursing strike, an adopted baby, re-lactation after a temporary weaning due to illness/medications etc. and many other reasons.  By changing positions a baby might be more likely to take the breast.  My son is a great example of this. If he went on a nursing strike and I tried to get him back on with the side lying position there is NO WAY he would latch on! 


When in doubt always try the, “laid-back nursing” position.  This allows for the most relaxing and cozy skin-to-skin position and can be so effective in getting your baby to be interested in the breast and self-attach without needing much help at all. 
 *Some babies prefer a particular position (or breast) for no obvious reason. They just like it! Do what feels right for you and your baby.
*If you would like more information about breastfeeding or have some questions, please CONTACT ME. I am available for consultations in person if you live on the Sunshine Coast or Brisbane. I am also available via Skype if you live elsewhere.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Ingredients in Breastmilk Versus Artificial Breastmilk (Formula)...

Please head over to The Milk's new website! 

Developed as a student project for the Breastfeeding Course For Health Care Providers, Douglas College, Canada.

Have you ever wondered what the ingredients are in breastmilk?  Have you ever looked at the back of a formula can to have a look at the ingredients?  Each year "new" things are being discovered in breastmilk.  This poster is an excellent resource for mums to see just what the big deal is about breastfeeding!  Not only does breastmilk have HEAPS more ingredients, they are constantly changing to meet the needs of babies and toddlers.  Your milk actually changes if you and/or your baby have been exposed to something to protect your baby or toddler. How cool is that?! 

Please do not read this and think, "...but I had to feed my baby formula! Don't judge me!" My personal opinion on artificial breastmilk is this: artificial breastmilk (formula) is a medicine and should be used as such. There are cases and situations where a mum cannot access donor milk, does not have enough milk herself or a woman trying to work out what food her baby is allergic to in her milk... and they are all doing the best they can. I am not writing this to create guilt here, I am writing this to show all of the mums out there how different the two are. It is not possible to make an informed choice if you do not have all of the information...

Please head over to The Milk's new website, to continue reading this article.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

I'm On Empty! I Need More Milk!...Or Do I?

The stressed out mamma!
The Milk has a new website! Please head over to to check it out! 

Help! I think my baby is  starving!                                                                                               
"Do I have enough milk?"
"I think my milk has dried up"
"Is my baby getting enough?"
"I think I have to supplement"

Mums from all over the world have the same questions and concerns, and it can drive us nutso with worry! As a new mum I loved breastfeeding but with a very cranky baby (always in the evening at about the same time of day) I started to wonder what was wrong. Is he getting enough? Is he crying because he is hungry? One of the most important things for a mother to understand is how to know her baby is getting enough and what she can do if she realises he isn't. Not only was I exhausted and probably hadn't showered or done laundry for about a week, I also had this added pressure of not knowing whether or not I had enough milk.

How to tell if your baby is getting enough...

Head over to to continue reading!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

My Baby the Puke Machine...Is All This Spit-Up Normal?!

Another example on this blog of my exceptional artwork.
I have had quite a few questions recently about puking babies.  "My baby won't stop puking! My baby projectile vomited all over me! My baby spits up constantly!"  As I gather more information from people I usually see that even though their babies have been spitting up or vomiting, it is usually just a few times a day.  As a new mum it can be especially scary when our little babies spit up or projectile vomits all over the place and extra special when it happens all over us!  What is normal though? How can you tell when your puke machine needs further investigation from a doctor or paediatrician?

Let me begin by saying I completely understand how scary it is when your baby is spitting up, especially when it's large amounts.  The last thing you want as a mum is a vomiting baby, especially when it's all over your new white shirt that you just happen to be wearing at the time. 

Most babies will go through different periods of time where they spit up a bit here and there.  Some babies are just "pukers" and will spit up ALOT with nothing actually being wrong with them.

Here is a checklist to go through when you notice your baby is spitting up frequently...

1. Check your very awesome and reliable motherly instincts.  When you look at your baby how do you feel she is doing? Does she look like she is in pain? Does she look like she is really upset, or did she just spit up and get on with her day doing those very important things like looking around, falling asleep and pooping.  If you take a moment to really observe her you might be surprised how much she can, and will tell you.

2.  Is she happy after she spits up (or you might describe it as a puke)? If she seems content after she spits up then she probably is! She will let you know if shes not which I'm sure you are very aware of.  Babies who are in pain might bring their knees up, arch their backs, scrunch their little faces and seem generally unhappy or unwell (read: CRY)!  Babies will sometimes get very gassy as well but again, if they are gassy and then smile at you or go to sleep there is not much to worry about at that point, this could still be just normal baby gassiness and does not mean you have to stop eating broccoli or beans.

3. Is your baby gaining weight and getting "enough"? Sometimes mums worry that their baby is not getting enough since they just watched them spit it all up!  There are many ways you can check to make sure your baby is getting enough and gaining weight besides weighing them which is the obvious one! One way is to do a nappy count. 

Is your baby peeing and pooping frequently?  

Nappy Count:
From when your milk comes in (usually about three days after the birth of your baby) you should see 6-8 wet cloth nappies and 5-6 wet disposable per day. Your baby should also be having 2-5 poops per day (at least the size of a tablespoon or so) for the first few months.  After about six weeks or so many babies will start to poop less frequently sometimes even skipping days. 

Is your baby feeding 8-12 times per 24 hours? If yes then great! Even if she is spitting up a few times per day (or night) she is most likely getting adequate nutrition because of her frequent nursing sessions.

4. Rule out Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD).  Usually a baby with gastroesophageal reflux will show one or many of the following symptoms; frequent burping or hiccupping, frequent spitting up or non-projectile vomiting, frequent night waking, poor weight gain, difficulty swallowing, sudden or inconsolable crying, arching during feeding, constant nursing, or disinterest in nursing (Barmby, 1998).  It is important to note that your baby might have frequent spitting up issues BUT if she is gaining weight, generally happy and breastfeeding well then it might just be a plain old case of what I like to call, "baby puke machine syndrome."  In other words, your baby is little and new and is just a bit of a puker...this too shall pass once she has grown up a bit.

5. Also rule out pyloric stenosis (narrowing of the muscular wall of the tube that passes from the stomach into the intestines).  A baby who occasionally projectile vomits most likely will NOT have this condition! A baby who has this will start vomiting after a feed here or there and then it will become more frequent and will not be gaining weight.  This is the crucial piece of information here! If you have a puker who at times will vomit here or there but is gaining weight then it is unlikely to be this condition. 

6. For a baby who is vomiting because of a stomach bug, it is important to continue to breastfeed them for as long and as often as they want.  Even if they continue to vomit after a feed, breastmilk is digested twice as quickly as formula so your baby will have absorbed some of your milk even if they vomit quickly after they have eaten.  I remember an ever so pleasant moment in time when my oldest boy (who was only two years old) and I were both sick at the same time with a stomach bug.  We were taking turns throwing up! Lovely thought isn't it?! I was so relieved that although he was as sick as a dog and not eating any solids during this time (just my milk) I knew he was getting exactly what he needed.  He would vomit very soon after he had breastfed but he recovered very quickly (much more quickly then I did!) and was never dehydrated or lethargic. and did not have a fever.  I did not have to give him any sort of electrolyte drink either as my milk was the best electrolyte drink on the market! 

7.  Look out for signs of dehydration.  As stated in La Leche League (2003) the following are signs of dehydration in your baby, "listlessness and sleeping through feeding times, lethargy, weak cry, skin loses its resilience, dry mouth, dry eyes, less than the usual amount of tears, minimal urine output (less then two wet nappies in a twenty four hour period), the fontanel on baby's head is sunken and fever" (p. 335). 

So what is a mother to do with her little puke machine?!

You have ruled out stomach bug, GERD and pyloric stenosis so now what?

Often times women will discover that it actually has more to do with the fact that their milk supply is massive! Their babies are getting so much milk all at once it just comes right back up.  They are squirting milk left right and centre, they have a very strong let-down (when the milk starts to come out from the breast) and their baby gets a bit cranky at the breast and tends to have a "love/hate" relationship with them and your breasts start to feel more like a fire hose! 

This my friends is over-supply or sometimes called an, "over-active let-down."  Have no fear! I have experienced this will all three of my babies.  It is easily fixed and the older they get, the less problems they have with your fire-hose boobs.  I will be doing a whole post in the near future on this topic alone since it is so common but I will just quickly mentions the following tips if you think this might be your problem! 

Try "block feeding."  This is when you feed your baby on the same breast for a couple of feeds or over a few hours.  Do not go by the clock, go by the feel of your breasts.  Although they are never empty, they will feel less full.  When your breast has been well drained (after a couple of feeds or several hours) then switch to the other side.  Hand express on the other side for comfort if it gets engorged.  After doing this for a few days your breasts will adjust to the change and you should see your let-down is not as strong and your baby happier at the breast.  You can also hand express a little bit out when you have that extra strong let down at the beginning of the feed for a few minutes and then pop her back on.  This way she is able to feed after the initial strong flow.  I will be including a link in this post to a video on my YouTube channel soon, which shows a woman hand expressing. 

You can also try to feed your baby in a position where her head is higher than her bum.  Some mums have found this helpful.  If you prefer lying down to breastfeed, you can always sit her up right after you have fed her.  This way if reflux is the problem, she might feel more comfortable being upright.  If you had reflux during pregnancy then you could understand why! Being upright can take away the burning, uncomfortable feeling.

Occasionally a baby will be sensitive (or in rare cases actually allergic) to something you are eating or drinking.  The most common sensitivity or allergy for a baby is dairy.  If you feel as though this could be the case, you can try eliminating dairy COMPLETELY from your diet for at least one month.  It can take at least this amount of time for it to leave your system. 

Remember above all, trust your instincts!  If you are really worried then go see your GP or care provider.  If you think something serious is going on after going through this checklist then listen to your instincts.  You know your baby best.

Barmby, L 1998, 'Breastfeeding the baby with gastroesophageal reflux', New Beginnings, Vol. 15 No. 6, November-December 1998, pp. 175-76.

La Leche League International 2003, The breastfeeding answer book, Schaumburg, Illinois.